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Tags: seo webdesign php mysql ajax graphic-design
Einträge: 10 Kategorie: Usability, Benutzerfreundlichkeit
aktualisiert am: 05.04.2013 - 09:10:39
There can be times where we may want to inform/guide users regarding the details/functions of the HTML elements on the page. Chardin.js is a jQuery plugin which does that in a very chic way ( inspired from the recent Gmail new composer tour ). It uses the information mentioned in “custom data attributes” of the given elements. And, once triggered, it activates an overlay that focuses on the element and displays the info with visual guides (that can be positioned however wanted). Advertisements: ioDeck , a self-hosted and awesome PHP form generator. Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.) SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)
Rockable Press is proud to present our latest release: Decoding the iOS 6 SDK . Written by five seasoned iOS experts and packed with almost 500 pages of essential iOS 6 development fundamentals, this great new eBook will quickly get you up to speed with the iOS 6 SDK and all the fundamental changes that occurred to Xcode and the iOS device landscape in 2012. Get your copy now! Who This Book is For Decoding the iOS 6 SDK is written for intermediate iOS developers who want to quickly get up to speed with the iOS 6 SDK and all the fundamental changes that occurred to Xcode and the iOS device landscape in 2012. Beginning iOS developers who understand the fundamentals of the SDK and Xcode will also benefit from reading this work. The book follows a non-linear format that allows the reader to decide how much time to spend on any given topic. This is accomplished by dividing each chapter into a “Theoretical Overview” section and a “Tutorial Project” section. While it’s certainly possible to read the entire book from cover-to-cover (we think you’ll enjoy doing so!), it’s also possible to simply read the “Theoretical Overview” of each chapter to get a high-level understanding of the iOS 6 SDK changes, and then go back and focus in on the most relevant or interesting tutorial projects on a more selective basis. Regardless of how you approach the book, expect to learn about the most essential aspects of developing with the iOS 6 SDK, Xcode, and all the iOS devices released from Cupertino in 2012
    With its structured approach to organizing assets, Adobe Fireworks can be a pleasure for designing and prototyping. But demonstrating your designs on a wide range of devices can be time-consuming and could even require some degree of coding. The Create Demo extension addresses some of these issues. It automatically converts your Fireworks documents into portable presentations , which can then be easily presented in any browser — desktop or mobile. Overview Why Is It Needed? This extension makes the process of preparing and exporting your Fireworks PNG files as presentations quick and painless. It can be used to show multi-page website prototypes, designs and sets of slides
We’re ready to announce something new and exciting — the Tuts+ Hub beta! As you know, Tuts+ is all about helping people learn. With Hub, we’ve worked to deliver an experience that makes it easy for you to find exactly what you’d like to learn, with a delightful interface for reading. What you see is a brand new layer that sits atop our current websites. All the articles and tutorials are still here (along with your comments), but we’ve designed a new way of presenting them and built new tools to help you navigate the library. Take a look now , and read on to find out more. What’s New? Here are the basics of what’s new on the Hub: A new content structure that emphasises disciplines over software-centric categories Improved (pretty great) search A more intuitive approach to browsing Responsive design Carefully formatted articles We’re releasing Hub as a beta because it’s going to continue evolving. There are still some important features that we’re going to implement, and a few wrinkles that need ironing out.
How To Create Killer Pinterest Graphics With PowerPoint is a post by SEO expert Andrew Johnson . For information about our SEO services or more great SEO tips and tricks, visit the SEO.com blog . I initially had some hesitation to join Pinterest in 2010. It was an invitation-only site back then, and I didn’t really see the value in maintaining another “social network” in addition to Facebook, Twitter and, later, Google+. But Pinterest can be a great way to drive relevant traffic and prospective customers to your website, and since the addition of Pinterest Analytics, you can measure the success of your efforts like never before. Pinterest is a visual experience by nature, so it’s critically important to keep this in the front of your mind as you’re developing your campaign. With that being said, there are a few ways to create high impact, click-worthy images for your pins, including various free and paid applications
Before we dive into the actual process of designing our pet shop website, it’s a good idea to first become acquainted with some of the design tools and niceties which Fireworks offers us. Alternatively, Download the video, or subscribe to Webdesigntuts+ screencasts via YouTube
    In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create the Tabber widget , which is very useful for when multiple widgets need to fit in a sidebar. It saves space and streamlines the appearance and functionality of your WordPress-powered website. In the past, there were different methods of doing this, most of which were theme-dependent. As we’ll see in this tutorial, creating a tabbed widget that works on its own and with any theme is easily accomplished. So, let’s jump in and learn how to create our own Tabber widget, which we’ve made available for downloading at the end of this article. Saving Sidebar Space The main advantage of tabs is that you can fit more widgets into the sidebar. And tabs look good. The image below shows how much vertical space is taken up by three standard widgets (using the default Twenty Ten theme).
You may remember CSS3 Patterns Gallery that was created by Lea Verou which is a great idea for flexible patterns. Here is an alternative: SVG Patterns Gallery that uses only SVG for creating good-looking patterns. Compared to standard images, SVG scales perfectly, high-dpi screens can make use of it and it works on IE9 too (CSS3 gradients don’t). Advertisements: ioDeck , a self-hosted and awesome PHP form generator. Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.) SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)
Advertise here via BSA Docracy has collected the experience of many designers to provide a wide range of starting points for less experienced creative professionals, and to start a permanent free legal resource for the community. You will find a collection of some pretty useful legal documents there. You can have a look at this Collective Legal Guide For Designers . There are contracts for creating an icon set, building a responsive website, starting a graphic design project, doing a small project with design and code, doing a BIG project with design and code, doing UX work, creating an infographic, redesigning a website, hiring a developer/designer to work on a project, making a mobile application and etc… Source: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/04/03/legal-guide-contract… Sponsors Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Each month, we bring together a selection of the best tutorials and articles from across the whole Tuts+ network . Whether you’d like to read the top posts from your favourite site, or would like to start learning something completely new, this is the best place to start! Psdtuts+ — Photoshop Tutorials Create a Heroic Firefighter Painting in Photoshop Firefighters do so much to help keep us safe. In this tutorial, we will honor our firefighters by creating a digital painting that depicts a firefighter coming to the rescue. Let’s get started! Visit Article Why You’re Not as Popular as You Should Be With so many artists competing for the same work, getting noticed can be a challenging task. As the editor of Psdtuts+, I have had the opportunity to interact with some exceptionally talented artists and designers from all over the world. This proximity to so many artists has given me a unique perspective, and over the years, I have been able to make a lot of observations about what it takes for artists to increase their visibility and to raise their online profiles.
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