After a tractor-raising fundraiser on Labor Day, Provo's first
organic commercial farm is $5,000 closer to its mechanical
LEHI -- An Amtrak engineer saw someone lying on
the tracks in southwest Lehi but could not stop the train in time
to prevent the 25-year-old's death Thursday night at about
PROVO -- It has been a decade since the Provo
Municipal Council has addressed the city's business and residential
rental license fee structures. At a meeting earlier this week, the
city's finance depa
PLEASANT GROVE -- Pleasant Grove residents will
be celebrating the city's birthday on Saturday in the Downtown Park
at the annual Heritage Festival.
Julia Bay has made an effort to revive a simple skill that many
wish was theirs -- the know-how of sewing, crocheting and cross
stitching. So she created the Loops n' Stitches Academy.