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Ein sehr interessanter Newsblog über die Krematorien und Feuerbestattung in Europa von der Seebestattung bis Urnenbeisetzung. Mit die 30 häufig gestellte Fragen, Geschichte der Feuerbestattung, Die Bibel, Alle Krematorien in Deutschland, Vorsorge usw.

Tags: krematorium feuerbestattung einäscherung tod sterben
Einträge: 100 Kategorie: Tod, Bestattung, Trauerfall
aktualisiert am: 06.10.2011 - 00:55:31
A WEST Grinstead business owner has spoken about his ‘disappointment’ that a controversial plan to build a crematorium in the village was refused by Horsham District Council planners.As previously reported in the County Times, plans to establish a new crematorium just off the A272 Cowfold Road were heard in the Development Control South meeting where members agreed it should be rejected.Mr D Chadburn, manager of The Orchard Restaurant, Cowfold Road, spoke to The County Times about the decision.“Not everyone was against the plans. And as the business that would have been directly effected by it I welcomed it.“It would have got rid of a derelict building that is frankly an eyesore and I also think it would have brought business to the village,” he said.He also spoke about the parish council, highlighting that he had not been consulted by them on the matter as he felt he should have been as his business is directly behind the building.A spokesperson from the parish council said: “We always took it as read that the owners of The Orchards Restaurant would be in favour of the application. The only surprise would have been if they opposed it.“The owners had exactly the same opportunity as anyone else to attend and make their views known. They did not do so.“If they had, they would have been left in no doubt just how strongly everyone else living in the hamlet felt about the application. Everyone who wanted to speak had the chance to do so.”A report is to be collated by planning team leader Gary Peck and members Jonathan Chowen (Con, Cowfold, Shermanbury and West Grinstead) and planning chairman David Jenkins (Con, Chanctonbury) as to why the plans should be refused on appeal in relation to policy DC1, which seeks to protect the countryside.
El Partido Riojano continúa manifestando sus discrepancias con la posibilidad de que el futuro crematorio funerario se ubique en la parcela elegida por sus promotores, muy cerca de la Fundación Hospital de Calahorra y del hipermercado de una conocida marca, aunque matizan que «no estamos en contra de que la ciudad cuente con un servicio como éste, sólo queremos que se sitúe en un lugar adecuado para ese tipo de instalación».A raíz de la aprobación por parte de la Junta de Gobierno Local, de la segregación de la finca donde se tiene previsto construirlo, han reclamado que «se nos conteste a las reclamaciones que hemos planteado al respecto, proponiendo atenerse a lo que el Plan General Municipal dice al respecto, que este tipo de instalaciones deben estar en suelo dotacional».La concejal regionalista calagurritana, Margarita Aldama, anunció que presentarán una moción de pleno en la que exigirán que se presente un informe técnico que aborde la idoneidad o no del suelo elegido para construir ese servicio, «porque estamos de acuerdo con que se pueda contar con un servicio así, pero que se haga de acuerdo con la normativa legal», dijo la edil.
Nonostante le richieste dei cittadini siano in evidente crescita, si percorre la strada, molto più lunga, dei finanziamenti pubblici. L’amministrazione non intende realizzare un impianto con bando europeo, in 30 giorni e a costo zeroIn Sicilia l’uso della cremazione stenta a decollare. Ciò avviene non solo perché nell’Isola questo tipo di cultura non è del tutto affermata ma anche, e soprattutto, per la mancanza di strutture sufficientemente adeguate.L’unico impianto di cremazione esistente in tutta l’Isola si trova a Palermo, all’interno del Cimitero monumentale dei Rotoli. È un forno vecchio di vent’anni, malfunzionante, che non fa certo onore alla Sicilia, costringendo a lunghe attese se non addirittura ad angoscianti trasferimenti delle salme in altre strutture sul territorio nazionale, comportando notevoli sacrifici e incrementi dei costi.Nella parte Orientale dell’Isola, la situazione, allo stato attuale, è ancor più desolante: a Catania, da anni si parla della costruzione di un impianto di cremazione all’interno del Cimitero di via Acquicella e l’intenzione di costruirlo esiste, ma al momento il progetto sembra essere in alto mare.Come confermano dal Comune, infatti, per quanto riguarda il versante ionico dell’Isola e la questione della costruzione di un impianto di cremazione, tutto attualmente è poco definito.“Abbiamo inserito nel Programma delle opere pubbliche la realizzazione di un forno crematorio – spiega l’assessore a Lavori pubblici e Manutenzioni del Comune di Catania, Sebastiano Arcidiacono – e questo impianto dovrebbe sorgere proprio all’interno del cimitero di via Acquicella”.L’Amministrazione ha quindi l’intenzione politica di dotare finalmente la città di Catania di un impianto moderno di cremazione. Tuttavia, altro discorso è quello dell’effettiva realizzazione. E l’assessore resta vago quando chiediamo per quale motivo il Comune non voglia realizzare la struttura – in 30 giorni e a costo zero – tramite un bando europeo.“Vogliamo costruire un impianto pubblico – dice Arcidiacono – ma non abbiamo ancora trovato le risorse necessarie. Stiamo valutando le varie possibilità per raggiungere l’obiettivo della costruzione e questa può venire anche con il coinvolgimento dei privati. Questa per noi sarebbe l’ultima ipotesi, nel senso che noi proviamo a fare i servizi per i cittadini con risorse pubbliche. Poi, nel caso in cui ci fossero ulteriori proposte da parte dei privati,  valuteremo”.Ovviamente però, andando alla ricerca di finanziamenti vari, i tempi si allungheranno a dismisura, anche se l’assessore conferma come l’amministrazione, consapevole del fatto che la cremazione rappresenti una scelta personale in costante aumento, sappia che la costruzione di un impianto in un territorio come quello etneo sia ormai diventato un atto necessario.“Intanto – conclude Arcidiacono – attendiamo l’approvazione del nuovo Piano triennale delle opere pubbliche, che dovrebbe ricevere il via libera del Consiglio comunale entro fine settembre. Poi si potrà avviare un percorso concreto”.
I 20 cimiteri, che contano 75mila defunti, del comune dell’Aquila, compresi i due monumentali di Paganica e quello centrale aquilano, sconquassati dal sisma, saranno riparati secondo un piano presentato dal comune ed approvato dalla struttura tecnica di missione (Stm).Una buona notizia per la città che cerca di rialzarsi, anche per tornare a rendere il dovuto antico culto ai propri morti. L’impegno finanziario, come comunicato dal sindaco Cialente e dall’assessore Lisi, è di 9 miliardi di euro, ma non prevede però la costruzione della struttura (a suo tempo costruita e poi smantellata) per la cremazione delle salme, la cui realizzazione adeguerebbe il sistema cimiteriale aquilano a quello europeo, secondo le norme vigenti dello Stato italiano. La legge 103/2001 impone, infatti, la costruzione di un forno crematorio (almeno uno per regione) e dà indicazioni per la dispersione delle ceneri dei defunti, annullando così la normativa del 20 marzo 1865. Nel cimitero centrale monumentale nel 2015 scadranno le concessioni di circa 10mila loculi, per cui l’amministrazione civica si troverà dinanzi ad una inderogabile “rivoluzione” cimiteriale: dovrà infatti procedere alla “cremazione di tutti i resti mortali rimossi”, come dispone la legge vigente. Tenuto conto di questa scadenza e dell’impossibilità di estendere l’area cimiteriale, la cremazione risulta essere la pratica più consona per il rispetto dovuto ai morti, secondo anche i dettami della Chiesa. E per di più assicurerebbe un notevole introito all’amministrazione stessa, in quanto i comuni non hanno più l’obbligo – come in precedenza – dell’onere delle cremazione le cui spese si riverseranno sui cittadini. Il momento, indubbiamente è eccezionale per via del terremoto. Tuttavia L’Aquila non dovrebbe mancare questo “traguardo di civiltà”, già largamente diffuso in diverse città del Centro-Nord.LA STORIAIl cimitero monumentale dell’Aquila fu istituito sei mesi dopo la legge 20 marzo 1865 (146 anni fa) che obbligava i comuni a dare “una tomba ad ogni cittadino”. Fu costruito sull’area, che era stata orto, annessa al convento degli Olivetani, ceduto allora, con la chiesa del Soccorso (sec. XVI), ai Frati Cappuccini che ne detengono ancora la custodia.Si istituì la zona comune, tombe a terra come è segnato nel primo libro dei nomi dei defunti (che va dal 1865 al 1885), la prima salma ad essere sotterrata, alle ore 10,30 del 26 settembre 1865, fu quella di una donna, dal nome piuttosto significativo: Allegrezza Laglia. Contestualmente si aprì la corsa alla costruzione delle cappelle monumentali (vere e proprie opere d’arte della felice stagione novecentesca), da parte delle famiglie gentilizie e borghesi, per cui oggi il cimitero conta una zona architettonica di particolare entità, sfortunatamente ferita dal sisma del 2009.In esso, al momento, si contano 55 mila defunti, dei 75mila totali compresi nei 20 cimiteri del comune aquilano.  Oggi la concezione sulla tumulazione dei defunti è cambiata in ogni angolo d’Italia per via della sempre più diffusa cremazione. A tal proposito l’allora cardinale Ratzinger, oggi Papa Benedetto XVI, con una Sua “disposizione apostolica” spazzò in via definitiva ogni riserva dei cattolici sull’incerenimemto delle salme, stabilendo che: “la Chiesa accetta la cremazione se non è segno di disprezzo per la resurrezione”.
Uitvaartverzorging Nieuwhof zit niet te wachten op een crematorium bij begraafplaats Carspelhof. Dat heeft Roland Koppen van de uitvaartonderneming laten weten. Sinds concurrent en buurman Myosotis zich heeft aangesloten bij Dela is de verkeersdrukte op de Utrechtseweg en de bedrijvigheid op het uitvaartterrein toegenomen, zo vertelt Koppen. Nieuwhof heeft de bedrijfsvoering hier al op moeten aanpassen. Als Myosotis mag uitbreiden met een crematorium zal dat nog veel erger worden, verwacht Koppen. Hij vreest dat er voor Nieuwhof dan een onwerkbare situatie kan ontstaan. Tussen beide ondernemingen botert het blijkbaar ook al niet zo. “Van wederzijds respect is helaas geen sprake”, stelt Koppen. De WSP had eerder al laten weten dat het niet zo kan zijn dat de raad met het crematoriumbesluit zo’n belangrijk en lang bestaand bedrijf als Nieuwhof om zeep helpt. De gemeenteraad behandelde donderdag het crematoriumplan, maar tot besluitvorming kwam het niet. De stemmen staakten met 8-8, vanwege afwezigheid van Tineke Booij. De raad is erg verdeeld over het plan, vooral vanwege het hevige verzet van belanghebbenden.
Die Bauarbeiten am umstrittenen Krematorium im Sinsheimer Stadtteil Reihen werden demnächst wieder aufgenommen. Das hat Claus Wiesenauer auf Nachfrage von stimme.de angekündigt. „Ich gehe davon aus, dass es zügig weitergeht“, sagte der Investor, nachdem die Stadt Ende der Woche die Baugenehmigung erteilt hatte. Wiesenauer geht von einer Bauzeit von zwei bis drei Monaten aus. Im Frühjahr soll das Krematorium in Betrieb gehen. Seit 2009 steht der Rohbau der Anlage in der Landschaft. Die Stadt hatte eine erste Genehmigung nach Anwohnerprotesten auf Geheiß des Verwaltungsgerichts zurückgenommen. Im April stellte die Mehrheit des Gemeinderats das Vorhaben auf ein solideres Fundament und beschloss, im Gewerbegebiet Oberer Renngrund ein Sondergebiet auszuweisen. Zugleich wurden dem Betreiber eine Reihe von Auflagen gemacht. Viele im 2100-Einwohner-Ort sind weiter gegen das Projekt, sie fürchten Gefahren für die Gesundheit. Zuletzt hatte sich auch der Ortschaftsrat gegen das Krematorium ausgesprochen. Die Heilbronner Anwältin der Gegner hatte angekündigt, vor den Verwaltungsgerichtshof ziehen zu wollen. Sie war am Freitag nicht für eine Stellungnahme zu erreichen. Zwei Millionen Euro wird der Bau nach Schätzung von Investor Claus Wiesenauer kosten. Die Verzögerungen hätten das Vorhaben deutlich verteuert. „Aber das kann ich nun nicht mehr ändern.“
A DRUNK driver ploughed through a crowd of mourners at Nuneaton Crematorium as he led police on a chase in a car he had stolen from his dad.Scott Asson, aged 22, of no fixed address, was jailed for 18 months and banned from driving for four years by a judge at Warwick Crown Court after pleading guilty to aggravated vehicle taking, driving with excess alcohol and having no insurance or licence.Prosecutor Daniel Oscroft said that on the morning of August 31 Asson had been to his parents’ home where he gotinto a disagreement with his father.He then made off in his father’s Ford Mondeo, which had been parked outside. It was reported to police and the car was picked up on the automatic number plate recognition system in Nuneaton an hour later.A police officer on patrol followed the car from Roanne Ringway into Church Street.Because of Asson’s previous convictions for driving offences and taking cars, there was a concern that there would be a pursuit if the officer tried to pull him over, so at first the officer followed the Mondeo while it was keeping to the 30mph limit.But Asson overtook another car and accelerated away at 40mph, causing other cars to swerve out of his way, before increasing his speed to around 60mph and heading towards Heart of England Way where he turned towards the crematorium.Mr Oscroft said that with the police car behind him, Asson was trapped – but instead of stopping, he revved his engine and drove straight towards a group of 40 to 50 people gathered at the gates of the crematorium, forcing his way through them into the grounds of the crem.Police who followed him on foot finally had to forcibly pull him out of the vehicle.Asson, who had a string of previous convictions involving cars since the age of 15, was found to be five times the legal alcohol limit.David Munro, defending, said remorseful Asson had lived a “shiftless existence” since being asked to leave the family home two months ago.He added: “His parents had had enough of him. This is a young man with a real alcohol problem.“He has written to his father to apologise and to ask his father to visit him in prison. But has had no response and there is no-one in the public gallery today.”Recorder David Pittaway QC told him his criminal behaviour “has led to a complete breakdown of your relationship with your family”.
A MULTI-MILLION pound Vale facility offering families an alternative to traditional cemetery burials is set to begin serving the public on Monday (October 3).The £4m Vale of Glamorgan Memorial Park and Crematorium, set on a 20-acre site off Port Road East, Wenvoe, has the capacity to provide up to 1,300 cremations each year.Memoria Ltd chairman and chief operating officer, Howard Hodgson said the ethos was to provide 'an exceptional service given by people who care'.Funeral directors and local clergy have already toured the site in preparation for its operation.The chapel seats 76 people with the option of expanding to 96. With standing room, up to 200 people can be accommodated inside, but more than 400 can be potentially be served with the service piped outside.Internet viewing is available for friends and family unable to attend the service.Fourth generation funeral director Howard Hodgson, who served his apprenticeship in the Penarth office of Summers of Cardiff, said: "There had been a demand, but because the Vale is such a beautiful place, it had always resisted giving up agricultural land for anything."Councillor John Bird was in the fortunate position of having a driving range."The site makes use of Welsh slate, limestone and sandstone and will also incorporate space for natural and standard burials, with flat headstones.A children's section will also aim to help bereaved families.Howard said: "Having lost a child myself, I know you have to have a bit of leniency when it comes to children. You have to allow people to have a teddy bear if they want."He added: "A death is the most stressful time in your life."It's a sad and dreadful time."There's nothing we can do to take away the pain, but we can provide an excellent service." Vale of Glamorgan Memorial Park and Crematorium manager, Dean Williams said: "Our aim here is provide a first class service for the local community."
Een besluit over het crematorium laat nog even op zich wachten. De afwezigheid van Tineke Booij van de WSP heeft ertoe geleid dat de stemmen donderdagavond staakten. Toezeggingen van de wethouder, een gezamenlijk amendement van D66/VVD én een motie van GroenLinks hebben niet geleid tot een ruime meerderheid voor of tegen het voorstel.De meningen over de realisatie van een crematorium aan de Utrechtseweg lopen zeer sterk uiteen. Zo vinden D66 en de VVD de locatie prima, maar willen zij wel een uitgebreid onderzoek naar onder meer de financiële haalbaarheid, de milieueffecten en de aardkundige aspecten van het plan. Zij hebben dit uiteengezet in een amendement, dat ook een volgende keer opnieuw in stemming wordt gebracht. Wethouder van der Hoeven gaf op verzoek al wel vast aan zeker tot april nodig te hebben om alles uit te zoeken.GroenLinks, DEP, WSP en PvdA hebben liever dat B en W een andere locatie zoeken, wat GroenLinks betreft bij voorkeur zelfs elders in de regio. Binnen het CDA zijn de meningen verdeeld. Er werd dan ook hoofdelijk gestemd. Daarom is niet te zeggen of het huidige crematorium-voorstel helemaal zou zijn gesneuveld als Tineke Booij er wel was geweest. Zij zou niet per se net als haar fractiegenoten van de WSP tegen het crematoriumplan aan de Utrechtseweg hebben gestemd. Het kan daarom nog beide kanten op. Het zou ook niet de eerste keer zijn dat een raadslid in de tussentijd van gedachten verandert.Het kan zijn dat het voorstel pas in december opnieuw in stemming wordt gebracht. De eerstvolgende raadsvergadering is weliswaar begin november, maar die avond is gereserveerd voor de behandeling van de begroting.
AN EAST Lothian-based businessman has approached the local authority with a proposal to build a crematorium in the Tranent area of the county, the Courier has learned.East Lothian Council has confirmed that it has received a proposal from a private developer interested in establishing a crematorium in the county and that initial discussions have taken place with local authority officials, including principal amenities officer Stuart Pryde and councillors Kenny McLeod (Fa'side) and council leader Paul McLennan.Mr McLennan told the Courier: "There's not a commitment at this stage but we have been involved in meetings with a private developer who is talking about the possibility of establishing a crematorium in Tranent."The steer for this is the growing population in East Lothian and the possible business opportunities as a result of that."Discussions are at a very early stage and I know that the developer is at the stage of carrying out research and trying to put a business plan together."We're producing our own burial strategy at the moment and examining what land we would need to purchase for that."Cremations of county residents currently take place at City of Edinburgh Council-run facilities at Mortonhall, Warriston and Seafield.In 2008, the council concluded that the local authority building a crematorium in East Lothian would not be economically viable, even if the running costs were to be shared with Scottish Borders Council.There are currently approximately 420 burials carried out in East Lothian every year.Graveyards which are currently full to capacity include Pencaitland Parish Church, Elphinstone, St Andrew Blackadder Church in North Berwick, Dirleton Church and St Mary's Church in Haddington.
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